

The analysis of Processes is a critical look at the work being done. This involves a review of process maps (if they exists) and importantly a critical analysis of the work itself, how it differs between teams and departments, disconnections in the continuity or flow of work and the extent of waste or lost time within the process. Having a clear definition of what the work is, enables the review of the management system to be done against the actual work itself and not just a generic model of work.

Analysis of processes starts with understanding what is driving the work in a specific area and what is the value being added. Experience has shown that there is often a lack of clarity or understanding of what is driving the work and in some cases why the work is actually being done (it could be redundant effort adding cost but not value). The next step is to look at the actual work process itself and testing it against quality, cost and deliver requirements – misalignment of any of these requirements results in higher unit costs, rework in other areas and missed schedules.

In the majority of organisations interdependent work processes are required to deliver the ultimate customers’ requirements. Understanding and defining these interdependencies which include transition or handover points, the key steps in the value chain and the support work (such as shared services) provides the means for analysing the overall process chain. This process chain may have constraints (reducing throughput), non-value activities (such as re-work) and redundant activity which only add cost.